Well it seems breed specific legislation proponents can dish it out but can't take it as they're all butt hurt when someone makes a page opposing and exposing their lies and disinformation out come the name calling and personal attacks as with most alleged public safety advocates these people expose their ignorance every time they touch their keyboard.
They support Dogsbite.org and consider it a legitimate source of information unlike every known legitimate animal organization in the world.
And Just for the record Boofhead the Facebook page "faces of bsl apologists" is not my page nor do I have any association with that page?
And as for appearing on podcasts and radio shows I thought your last failure would have led you to follow the lead of your mentor Culleen and refuse to do radio appearances as someone repeatedly starting sentences with UMM AH OH etc comes across as a bit of a simpleton which in your case seems quite fitting?
You're just not real smart are you Jeff?
more to come.....