In Jeff's latest tangent he's saying goodbye to all his BFF's at The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine revealed in the claim to be evolving (pmsl) and as such he wants to concentrate on victims of pitbulls, all other victims have to fight for themselves because put simply Jeff only cares about killing pitbulls and community safety as he claims.
It’s been a long road ladies and gentlemen but it’s time to move on. This group is growing and continues to grow at a pace I cannot keep up with. It is a difficult group to manage with over 400 members to date. Many people are calling this MY group and that the views on this group reflect my own. This simply is untrue although I am one of the founders. Although I share most members’ opinions I do not share them all. And that’s OK! In our time together we’ve talked about issues and topics from BSL to the CDC to Karen Delise, Animal Farms Foundation to peanut butter. (…/take-what-i-say-out-of-cont…) I’ve made so many new friends and connections through this group that I could never say anything bad about the group or its members. You are all my family now and I will continue to watch you grow from the sidelines.
Three events have surfaced in the last three days that have caused me to come to this decision.
1.The first was a desperate e-mail sent to from the mother of a victim of a pit bull attack to have her daughter’s photo removed from PBPMR. Her mother hopes that at a future time, her daughter will understand the point of view of other victims and change her mind. (That’s what I took from the e-mail) My first reaction was to expose this ONE case in this very small corner of the country in an attempt to prove that as bad as we say the problem is, it’s actually a lot worse. The scars on that attractive young woman’s face will be a lifetime reminder that although “all dogs can bite”, a pit bull’s “bite” is much worse. I was never worried, not even for a second, that posting that picture would get us in trouble or compromise the group. One thing that FOBSLA has taught us (other than what they do on that page is downright hurtful and counterproductive for us to even look at it) is what we can get away with on Facebook, and what we cannot. Even calling the police and having them stand in my living room and showing them FOBSLA, could not have it taken down. The officer’s reaction was, “just don’t look at it” and “you have shown me something I never knew existed” He thanked me for enlightening him and moved on. So you see, when these threats of “libel slander” and “copyright infringement” come around, remember that they are just threats.
2. In the aftermath of Crystal’s incident two days ago, I broke my NYE resolution and browsed around IGUN once again. Most of it is the same pro-pit bull, feel good nonsense propaganda, but one comment stuck out to me. An individual stated they attended the Watertown meeting and saw my anger (or passion) first hand. They continued to say that my “anger will be my downfall”. I pondered that statement for a time, remembering that I was all alone in that room for the second meeting. I was easily outnumbered twenty to one that night. I had just completed my three minute talk. I was reading off the names of the dead and only got to May before I was cut off. Before I could sit down, a reporter from a Madison news channel came up to me and asked if I wanted to do an interview. As I was gathering my stuff I heard the woman right after me, (tell me this wasn’t planned ahead of time) start bringing up Dax’s name and “negligence” in the same sentence. So I yelled at the top of my lungs, “don’t you DARE say my son’s name!” as I was walking out of the room. This whole experience has transformed me. Not changed me. (Change implies I could go back to who I was) I am learning new things everyday and my teachers are on BOTH sides of the issue. So I would like to take the time in this farewell address to thank IGUN for the advice. I will try and keep my anger under control in the future.
3. Yesterday I connected with a woman named Tanya. Tanya was the victim of an unprovoked, sudden pit bull attack at her friend’s house. She said she felt no pain and felt like it only lasted 10-15 seconds in reality is lasted almost 10 minutes. She said the sheer power and the violent shaking back and forth was mindboggling, almost “Godlike”, the power of man’s intervention and manipulation of nature. We spoke for an hour or so over the phone and she told me how she is left alone and hardly ever leaves the house because of the stares she gets in public. She has no help, no assistance. Discovery Health channel promised her they were going to do the first show on facial reconstruction on her only to leave her standing there in the dark with not even a call back. Her spirits were lifted and then stomped on. It was almost like going through a second attack. Only this time her hope was crushed. She had no idea why I was contacting her so she just sent me two photos of her face after the attack. I wish she would’ve warned me first because it reminded me of my son’s face and brought back those memories that I’ve been trying to suppress. The photos of her face is a reminder that my son was actually blessed to be taken so fast. If he would’ve survived, he would’ve been in so much pain and made fun of for the rest of his life. After I get permission from Tanya, I will be posting the photos she sent to me on this thread below.
I want to let everyone know that I will still be watching, learning and recruiting from this group. I am not going anywhere. I am dedicating my life to helping victims of dangerous dog attacks. Go ahead and send me a friend request. Send me messages. Ask for my help. Ask me questions. If I cannot help you myself, I will connect you to who can. I am here to help anyway possible.
I would like to publically thank Colleen Lynn from for all the support she has given me over the last ten months. She, like many of you, has been there for me in my darkest hour. I’ve called her in tears at 3 am and she’s picked up the phone and talked with me. We have so much in common. She is a true American, a hard-core fighter and lives her life with truth, honesty and integrity. We have laughed together, cried together, stressed out together, yelled at each other and shared some of our deepest secrets with each other. I consider her my BFF. (Best Friends Forever) My “Sister-In-Arms”. Anyone has a problem with Colleen, has a problem with me. The amount of time and energy that went into “Beyond The Interview” (…/beyond-the-interview-essay-of-a-…) was very difficult. It was import and of great value because it has connected me to so many different people from all walks of life from all over this country and planet.
Lastly, I would like to say that my goal has never been about coming into your home and taking your dog. Proof of this was taken off of my Facebook page days after my son was killed and I discovered the truth that Susan was carrying him in her arms at the time of the attack. Here is a quote from a statement I made publically LONG before I had made contact with any advocates:
“The biology, make up and history of pit bulls will be looked at and analyzed in a different way from here to the future…I do not wish harm to any existing family members (pit bulls), but once your pit bull is dead like my son, you can be sure I will do everything in my power to make sure this breed is bred out of existence…these pit bulls were not abused, mistreated, or harmed in ANY way…they are naturally wired (by God almighty and nature) to bite down on flesh and not let go…I always thought my little Chihuahua would be murdered by a pit bull. I never thought it would be our baby boy…I will have that picture seared in my head forever”
My, oh my how much I have learned in the last 10 months. Some of what I said in that quote was true. However, I was mistaken about some other facts. God did not create this breed, man did. I thought these dogs were only animal aggressive (thus the statement about my Chihuahua) and the human aggressive one’s were “culled” by breeders. We believed the myth, “it’s all how you raise them”. I had accepted the PROPAGANDA and my son paid for it with his life.
Six months after his death I wrote “Who Killed Daxton James Borchardt” (…/who-killed-daxton-james-bor…) At the time I had no idea it would later be published on page 7 of September’s edition of Animal People.
Farewell Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed. It’s been wonderful getting to know all of you. I consider you better friends than some in real life. I will still be watching, learning and growing. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need help.
Your friend, Jeff Borchardt
You may note that Jeff advises his friends to go full on because the law won't help and he knows facebook does nothing in relation to stealing peoples pics and meme'ing them to their hate groups and this is the true nature of this FOOL!!!
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