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Saturday, 5 September 2015

Jeff Boofhead Borchardt putting people at risk with his lies and now has jumped on the Julie Wall breakstick train!

Jeff seems have developed what we're calling Julie Wall's breakstick syndrome it's obvious Jeff doesn't care who he hurts in his kill all pitbulls campaign but then again that's not news to anyone considering all the stalking and bullying Jeff does in honor of his dead son apparently in the name of Publc safety.

Anyone that has been exposed to boofheads tactics knows all too well this man is everything but a community safety advocate to be honest he acts more like a spoilt 10 year old only difference is he's way more dangerous then any 10 year old could ever actually be?

C'mon guys. Educate yourselves! Don't you know by now that it is recommend that pit bull owners carry a break stick?
It is not known why dog bites horse's neck.
  • 9 people like this.
  • Sarah May No human or animal should have to go through that!!
  • Wendy Lambert Dixon This is what Pits were bred to do ! Take down larger animals! They are NOT nanny dogs (imagine letting any dog in charge of a child-ridiculous)!
  • John Wright When idiots try to pull a dog off something they are just making the injury worse. 
    It's just like trying to pull a bear trap off somebody's leg without opening it first.
  • Jeffrey Sloan It's no secret that pit bulls are the result of many hundreds of generations of selectively bred animal torturers. This is what their DNA is programmed for.
  • Gishik Kwe Pit bulls: the only dog to wag its tail in enjoyment as it rips another human or animals' throat out...
  • Liza Mae Strangle it! Break its back! Surely there was a pitchfork somewhere! So much for lifting its rear legs. Vile creature. And note the tugging motion when it had that guy by the pants. Ugh, gross! Those incredible neck, jaw, and shoulder muscles at work. That is how they deglove and rip off chunks of flesh. It comes naturally to them.
  • Penny Spears I just cannot understand it. Cribs are recalled even though there were zero deaths. We recall millions of cars because something MIGHT happen. We gate our stairs, plug our outlets, lock our cupboards. Yet millions deny the danger of pits, despite the massive amount of evidence, the hundreds of deaths, the uncountable number of life-changing injuries. The staggering numbers of dead and maimed pets and farm animals. Yet STILL: "Sure, you can walk your pack of pit bulls off-leash." What is wrong with this picture?!!
  • Carol Miller This was the first bite of the attack. Been there and done that. Gishik is correct.
  • Tom Stymacks They are a despicable breed. KILL THEM ALL.
  • Tom Shorette Ahh the good ole break stick...AKA portable crowbar!! Never leave home without it!
    Like · 3 · 4 hrs
  • Penny Spears Walk with a big crowbar. After you break its grip you can use it to split its skull. I think I could rival Babe Ruth for deadly aim, if this was my horse.
    Like · 4 · 

As you can clearly seethe dog involved does not look as though it is an actual APBT but that doesn't stop boofhead from calling it a pitbull and recommending people carry a breakstick.

If boofhead had half a brain to play with he'd realise how dangerous his advice really is as many legitimate dog organizations advise against using breaksticks especially on dogs that are not APBT because the dog will redirect to you and as this would play right into boofheads hands he recommends people carry a "breakstick".

Just for the record Jeff you do realize that in most cases carrying a "breakstick' is illegal and in every case if you're found to be carrying a break stick you will be suspected of being involved in "dogfighting" which well may lead to your house being raided and your life disrupted while the police investigate you.

Please do not listen to this buffoons ramblings he is dangerous and no doubt contributes to the escalating death toll relating to dog attacks with his constant lying and fear mongering.

Jeff try using the donations people gave to help victims for a change and stop trying to get your five minutes of fame of the backs of victims.

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