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Monday, 18 May 2015

Christy Cornell November 6, 2014 The nutters are at it again. They are completely butt hurt by the LANDSLIDE win for BSL in Colorado, so they are looking for some place to vent. Just so happens that the Blue Buffalo Dogfood complany advertised on the Animals 24/7 ( Meritt Clifton) website, so the nutters are attacking the FB page of Blue Buffalo Dogfood and leaving nasty comments on many of the threads, even those which have nothing to do with anything pitbull. Please go to the FB page of Blue Buffalo Dogfood and "LIKE" their page. Also, please a NICE comment in support of them advertising on Animals 27/7.

The nutters are at it again. They are completely butt hurt by the LANDSLIDE win for BSL in Colorado, so they are looking for some place to vent. Just so happens that the Blue Buffalo Dogfood complany advertised on the Animals 24/7 ( Meritt Clifton) website, so the nutters are attacking the FB page of Blue Buffalo Dogfood and leaving nasty comments on many of the threads, even those which have nothing to do with anything pitbull.
Please go to the FB page of Blue Buffalo Dogfood and "LIKE" their page. Also, please a NICE comment in support of them advertising on Animals 27/7. Be polite and tell the folks at Blue Buffalo how much we dog owners who chose non-blood sport bred breeds appreciate a company which looks out for all animals which are likely victims to fighting dogs and their irresponsible owners. Above all, keep your comments civil even if the nutters don't. If you use Blue Bufflo dogfood, make sure you mention that you appreciate their brand and like them even more now.
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen Done have a wee look.
  • Joe Hill Yeah I got some crazy bitch foaming at the mouth after me
  • Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen I had to laugh some idiot posted two pictures of pitbulls stating they were peaceful just now my response is this not likely and then why this dosen´t ring true most likely this will draw the idiotic nutters out they are a nasty bunch with lack of inteligence and decorum. Please go in and support what I have written lets show this gits a united front.
  • Joseph Angelo RIght on Gail L Rosbach! We could add "Friends don't let friends live next door to pit bulls."
  • Joseph AngeloWe have to hit these people where it hurts -- property values go down when a pit bull lives next door. Trying to sell your house? Let's hope prospective buyers don't see that pit bull next door... If we drive that message, along with our other valid, life-saving points, maybe some who haven't woken up already will look at it a new way. If your property value is declining because of your neighbors' viscous dogs, you'll probably support tougher laws

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