2nd email sent to Polk County animal shelter.
“If you’re not part of the solution -
you’re part of the problem.”
LeRoy Eldridge
you’re part of the problem.”
LeRoy Eldridge
I am following up on an email I sent on November 20th. I am appalled that your agency allowed the 70+ fighting dogs to be sent out of the state for "rehabilitation." If, to say, these dogs were relocated at all. This was an irresponsible move on your agencies part. I have contacted ALL congressmen, senators and governor Scott's office about this action. You have put at risk people, small children, pets, and live stock. Any attacks from these dogs are directly your agency and ASPCA's blood shed. While I am not sympathetic to the situation........IT SHOULD BE YOUR MAIN CONCERN TO ENSURE THE PUBLIC SAFETY. Instead of pushing potential dangers on to the public, it is the shelters and agencies to have a bigger voice in this problem and it your responsibility to keep the public safe.
Your move in this issue of over population in the dog pounds would be more applaudable if you pushed for mandated regulation that breeders would have to adhere to ie. example mandatory spay/nueter before the sale of any dog of pit bull types/mixes. Any pitbull/types/mixes should be microchipped and licensed to local animal control with and countrywide tracking system via microchip. No dogs adopted out with out proof of homeowners/renters liability insurance. Automatic and unilateral enforcement of attacks. Not allowing municipalities to pick and choose parts of Chapter 767. It is not a victims responsibility to see that laws are enforced, it should be an automatic appearance before a judge and judicial due process to ensure Chapter 767 IS ENFORCED.
I am so disappointed with your action last month. I will never donate to a shelter or ASPCA ever again. Knowing my donations are not going for the safety of the public and ultimately the good of any dog. If I saw my donations going for changes in laws and regulation it would be a different consideration. After the last irresponsible action taken on a local shelter and ASPCA my donations will be directed elsewhere. I have been forwarding my correspondence, or there lack of, to the Majority of EVERY Facebook group for victims rights of dog attacks as well as
dogbite.org, Daxtons Firends, Fabians Law as well as several other well known blogs and papers. I am so upset about all the actions you have taken in this incident it makes me question your practices and morality of your whole operation.
Lisa Moyer
Lisa Moyer
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