BSL Saves Lives shared Sarah Howard's post.
According to the pit defenders, Roxanne is responsible for her child's death because the males were in tact. I'm sure I'm not the only one who spent lots of time as a child around in tact male dogs of many different breeds and there was never a concern that one of them would try to kill me or someone else. The excuses just keep getting more desperate. FYI pit defenders 65% of the fatal attacks by pit bulls are committed by fixed dogs. Tell us again how neutering the dogs would somehow guarantee that Kara wouldn't have been killed.

Dear Tia Torres,
On January 17th 2014 my daughter Kara was attacked and brutally mauled to death on her 4th birthday by the very dog we purchased for her at x-mas the year before.
She thought that dog hung the moon, she had tea parties with him, he would sleep at the foot of the couch when she napped, laid his head on her lap for endless petting, she would sing songs to him, demanded he be bought special toys to play with, special pooper scooper so she could clean up after him, cushions for him to lay, she helped walk him with her daddy at night, cried when he wasn’t feeling well as her little heart felt so badly for him, her face lit up from ear to ear when she’d talk about him.
We watched your show (Pit Bulls & Parolees) faithfully, had it DVR’d as a matter of fact, we hung to your every word, admired you for fighting for the respect of the breed, and educating new owners and potential adopters, we clung to your words and followed them like a bible. You are the biggest reason why I allowed that dog into my home. I bought into your theory of poor misunderstood dog, gentle giant, loving family pet, great with children, loyal, snuggly. Our dogs were every one of those things—until the day something snapped in him and he wasn’t.
He attacked my daughter with no warning, no growl, no sneer, no previous anger, no signs whatsoever. You are wrong in what you say, you are wrong in what you preach, you are preaching untruths and many many more children will die because of you. These dogs are unpredictable at best, ticking time bombs that do not care that you have loved them as family and had done all the right things, exercised, fed well, the right fences, vetted, loved beyond measure.
I left for work on January 17th 2014 at 10:15, kissed my daughter goodbye, sang happy birthday Kara-Kara bo bara for the last time, I never saw her alive again. I visit her daily at her grave, her baby sister was also there during the attack, she remembers the sounds of the dog attacking, her sisters screams, she will replay that day for the rest of her life as will my whole family. My little one had just recently turned two the day she lost her big sister. She asks god every day to give her back to her. She doesn’t understand, and well Tia , neither do I , but what I do know is I hope you feel responsible in some small part, as you should. You are publicly endangering millions of peoples lives with your lies, your show should not be on TV. People look to you for direction and for guidance, and you spew lies and deceit. These animals have no business being brought home by families, they have no business around the defenseless, the elderly, children, they are killing people in masses and I for one won’t stop until they don’t exist.
Roxanne Hartrich
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